Tag Archives: Profit First Perth

Money Uncertainty to Money Freedom Month 1_Jackadder

A Journey to Freedom from Money Uncertainty – Client Experience Month 1

I recently started supporting someone who I know has many attributes of the kinds of women who are my ideal client. There are many ways to describe them, but to be succinct you can say they are women who are confused and challenged about money.

This was evident from our first conversation. All the things she shared were symptoms of money confusion and challenge. When we explored some of the potential for her future reality, many of the descriptions about what she wants to create as her normal are examples of what I call money freedom.

As this new client is a woman in business I had the added advantage of profiling her using the Thrive Factor profiling framework. This gives us both important insights into her money mindset and money behaviour. Knowing these parts of her and understanding their real and potential influence is a unique way I work with the Profit First system. At this point in time I am the only licensed Thrive Factor Coach® and Certified Profit First Professional in the world!

I know so much changed for me personally and in business when I first learned my Thrive Factor Archetypes and was able to understand parts of my mindset and behaviour that were innate to who I am. Deciding to become a Thrive Factor Coach® was an effortless decision because of my personal experience. Having this additional way to support my clients who are women in business makes a significant difference in the way I collaboratively support clients to implement Profit First.

The first focus for me in our first month working together is to work with her from where she is at. Starting from this place gives us an opportunity to understand her current reality so we know what we are creating from.

In the first month and first couple of sessions the focus is on what I call the foundations of our year together. This includes meeting her Thrive Factor Archetypes, setting up bank accounts, getting to understand the realities of her situation and clarity on what she wants to achieve in the coming year. Without this clarity what we do together moving forward could be reactive and unhelpful. 

I believe it is essential to start with small steps and to get some wins on the board. This helps every client to feel like they are making progress and adds to their confidence that they can indeed achieve what they want.

We explore things like what can we action quickly to lay supportive foundations, whilst also considering the long term impact of all the things we are and will be working on.

Over the course of the coming year I will come back and share a monthly blog with you to give you insights into the way I am supporting this client, and the way I support all clients as they navigate the journey from money uncertainty to money freedom with my guidance.

Client experience, Kate Milne, Physiotherapist, Country Wide Physio

I was lucky enough to get the help of Caroline to guide me through the progress of implementing Profit First. I was struggling with working out how to get all my figures into the right percentages, it was great to have the support and a guided program.

I am now able to put money in my vault and have now created profit for the first time in my working life.

My next focus is working towards having at least 3 months of money available, so I won’t go into a flat spin if we ever have another situation like Covid again.

I nearly lost my business and using this method with the support completely turned my life around. Thank you, Caroline, for the guidance I needed to make sure I put profit first!

If you are looking for a powerful and common sense cash flow management system then you’ve found it.

Profit First is a system that challenges preconceived beliefs about business profitability.

It turns finding and growing the profits in your business around.

Caroline is a Certified Profit First Professional.

Finding the right Bookkeeping team to manage your accounts can be an incredibly stressful experience.

Caroline and her growing team of Bookkeepers have extensive expertise and experience working with Xero as our preferred accounting software.

If you want more than just a Bookkeeper then you are in the right place for managing your money and focusing on profit.

Thrive Factor Coaching for women brings an opportunity for Caroline’s clients to take their self understanding to a new dimension.

The ideal accompaniment to Caroline’s Profit Strategist programs, your Thrive Factor Profile will give you sound insights into your mindset and behaviour with money.

Caroline is a Licensed, Certified Thrive Factor Coach.

“Thank you for sharing your experiences and training platform with the members today. It was really helpful and I think you have encouraged more people to think outside the square and look into training options. You have a wealth of knowledge to share.”

Michelle Tolhurst – Administrator, Profit First Australia
Jackadder_Caroline Smith Financial Freedom | Profit First Perth Australia | Money coaching

Financial Freedom is a lifetime goal, not a quick fix

Financial Freedom is not to be rushed

When you get into business the term Financial Freedom seems to be more common than in the rest of the world. Unless you work in a financial industry that is. I understand why it is a priority goal for many people. We believe with Financial Freedom everything in our life will be better.

This may well be true and things may improve for you but there is a key issue most people make when it comes to setting the goal to being financially free. The issue is that most people set unrealistic timelines and try to rush their way to Financial Freedom.

Instead of taking time to understand their current financial landscape and additional time to get clear on the actual definition of Financial Freedom for them and those people who are most important to them, people throw themselves into taking financial related action thinking it will accelerate the process. But this is rarely the reality.

Often times this rush into turning financial frustration into Financial Freedom leads to more financial frustration with barely a skerrick of freedom on the horizon. As I find myself often sharing with clients; Financial Freedom is a lifetime goal. It is not the quick fix they believe it can and should be. Forcing Financial Freedom is not the solution.

If you are unsure where to start when it comes to expanding the profitability of your business working with someone like myself with expertise as a Profit Strategist is a wise first step to move you towards Financial Freedom. In my work with clients we explore things including

  • Your definition of Financial Freedom
  • What it means to you to have this
  • What it means to your significant others to have Financial Freedom
  • Your current profitability
  • How you have been increasing your profitability
  • Strategies that are personalised to you for sustained profitability increase over time
  • The role of your money and financial mindset
  • How Profit First can assist you to achieve your financial goals on the way to Financial Freedom
  • The potential negative impacts of things you’ve been doing up to now that is limiting your potential for Financial Freedom

Achieving Financial Freedom does not have to be complex. It is also not something to ever rush. As I said above, Financial Freedom is a lifetime goal. Also know it doesn’t have to be at the end of your life, or at retirement that you first begin to experience the benefits of your Financial Freedom goal.

Reach out and let’s chat. I’d love the opportunity to help you gain clarity on how your business can positively contribute to your Financial Freedom.

Book a time below.